Tuesday, June 30, 2009

University Excludes Prospective: How diverse is that?

by Deborah Seelinger

I agree with the statement of this news commentator in this video:

As a conservative student I have been made to feel as though it is only less than educated people who hold conservative views. One of my professors last semester actually said that "it was only uneducated people who believed the myths in the Bible." This professor would not acknowledge the Bible even as literature worthy of study. I noted that no one questioned the value of studying "The Epic of Gilgamesh" or works of Plato or Aristotle or many other books and authors of the ancient world. This same professor claimed that he was strongly supportive of tolerance and diversity. Why then was the Bible singled out for disparagement? Can we truly be diverse if we don't educate ourselves from all aspects of an issue? I find that the same kind of bad and misguided stereotyping of people of color, or who speak languages other than English, or even those who don’t fit the model proportions of a perfect size 2, is also done to Christian believers.

This video, which happens to be about homosexuality, actually addresses a more unsettling issue, which is the refusal to include conservative, Christian aspects in the university setting as a alternative point of view. Instead I find that people want to dismiss these views and label them as uneducated, old fashioned or flawed.

Keep in mind as you view the video that the "Love Won Out" conference is available for those people who are freely making the choice to exit the homosexual lifestyle. The participants are not being forced, condemned or shamed in any way. Is it not diverse to offer individuals an option that is led by others who have a plan that works for them? Is it not tolerant to allow these individuals the freedom to make this choice and to have this option represented as a choice for those university students who may want to make this choice? Are we not being single minded and judgmental to only represent homosexuality in a liberal fashion and not give people information that will help them make an informed decision that looks at the issue from every prospective?

An education is a costly endeavor and as an American, a Christian and an honor student with a 4.0 GPA, I want to learn every aspect of the subjects in my classes. I want to use the critical thinking skills I have acquired while at college in a way that will allow me to make educated choices that I temper with moral, ethical and personal faith.

I would like to point out that Focus on The Family is an organization of believers who choose to find ways that are peaceful solutions for the issues we face. They (FOTF) have given thousands of ultrasound machines to abortion clinics, because they have found that instead of screaming and yelling and condemning women who are in the conflict of making this kind of decision, that if you offer them an ultrasound so they can see that living, forming fetus, that 80% of those women choose life for their unborn child. Not all Christians are loud protesters. Most are working to try and find common ground and display the love of Jesus and are intelligent, forward thinking people who simply believe in the principle set forth in the bible, which BTW is still the number #1 selling book in America. Sphere: Related Content

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