Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Justice Kennedy: Voting Rights Act might now be unfair

WASHINGTON — In vigorous arguments over the scope of federal power to screen state election laws in states with a history of discrimination, the Supreme Court justice who could cast the deciding vote made clear his dueling concerns.

It's absurd, in light of a overwhelming majority of Americans voting for Obama, to see that these old laws are of any value now. To imagine that Chicago or Boston are somehow less racist than Birmingham or Biloxi is silly at best. Having lived in the North and South, I can tell you first hand that the racism of the North is far more prevalent. But it's racism of the individual, not the group. Liberal White Northern's love minorities in voting blocks of no less than 1 million. While Southerns just love individuals. Of course the "individual" is the most discriminated against minority of them all.

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